Here’s another project in our queue. This is the overhead view of a flowing Pre-Fab #3 Mobile that will hang over the staircase of a medical building. This entire piece will include 65 individual mobiles strung together down the staircase. It was designed to complement other artwork in the area, and the orange pieces represent koi fish. We can’t wait to see it come together!
Progression-Style Projects
A few years back, we completed this large hanging mobile, Progression, to span the entry hallway of an Educare facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
It was one of those projects where we learned a ton along the way—and we've received so much positive feedback about the end result. The next year, we created a similar design for a YMCA, and we currently have two Progression-inspired pieces in our queue.
We've tinkered with the design, allowing us to make it modular, so to speak, so we can customize it for any space. It's one of our all-time favorite designs, so we're always thrilled to revisit it!
This one is for a healthcare center for a remote village in Alaska:
And this one is for a hospital in Cincinnati:
Stay tuned to see progress pictures!
Vote for Ekko Mobiles!
Ok friends, mind if we ask for a favor? We've entered a contest, and we need your votes!
It's the 3form 7th Annual People's Choice Installation Contest, and we're showcasing the series of 91 mobiles we created for the new Educare facility in Tulsa.
We'd love to get a couple (or a LOT) of 5 star votes and maybe even some comments. (You do have to register on the 3form website, but don't worry—it takes all of 10 seconds.)
To vote, go here:
Thank you thank you!
Educare Mobile Installation Pictures
Now that Ben (aka photographer extraordinaire) has recovered from the Educare installation, he's pulled together more pictures from the weekend. Enjoy!
Matt on a lift
More shapes
Above view
Educare Mobile
Matt and Ben just returned from Tulsa, where they installed a series of mobiles in a brand-new Educare facility. The design included 91 individual mobiles hung together to span the school's 60-foot long hallway.
Since the school year had already begun, Matt and Ben installed over the weekend to avoid disrupting all the educaring that occurs during the school week. They dove in Friday at 6:37 p.m. and finished Monday at 8:16 a.m.—61 hours and 39 minutes later, with about four hours of power naps (and who knows how much Dr. Pepper) to sustain them.
It could be the sleep deprivation talking, but they were deliriously happy with the end results.
In the Kitchen With Matt
Here's Matt on a balmy August evening, spending quality time with a 245-degree oven to form these shapes for this mobile.
Stay tuned!
This Just In...
Materials! For this project!
It's always exciting when materials arrive, because it means a project is really coming together. But this time we're extra giddy, because for this suspended sculpture, we'll be using 3form, an ingenious resin-based plastic made of 40 percent recycled content. (Yes, we're geeks like that.)
Included here are the 350 3form shapes that Matt will individually had form using a sophisticated thermal forming process that may or may not involve his kitchen oven and an Ove Glove.
Next Up
A mobile maker's work is never done. (But that's a good thing.) Here's a sketch of the next project in our queue:
It's a suspended sculpture that will span the 55-foot-long hallway of an early childhood learning center in Tulsa. The top image is the side view, and the bottom image is the underneath view—the view the kiddos will enjoy.
Now pardon us while we get to work on it!