In 2023, we installed a series of mobiles in the main lobby of Lubbock’s HOPE Tower Hospital. (We mentioned it in this very long-overdue update.) We just got our hands on professional pictures of the space and we couldn’t be more thrilled with how gorgeous the space (and these pictures) look!
Hexagons Galore!
Happy New Year! We’re kicking off 2025 up to our eyeballs in hexagons as we prep for the Houston stairwell mobiles. Installation will be in February, which—yikes!—will be here before we know it. Ok, back to work!
Houston Stairwell Mobiles
Here’s a fun project that will consume the next couple of months: It’s a set of four 50-foot tall mobiles that will hang in four stairwells of a Houston office building. The piece will include acrylic hexagon shapes of varying width and length. Stay tuned for progress pictures!
Children's Hospital of Georgia Mobile
Here’s a rendering of a classic-style mobile in our queue. This will span 20 feet in the newly renovated lobby of Children’s Hospital of Georgia in Augusta. Colors are still to be determined, but no matter what the client chooses, it should look amazing in that gorgeous space! Install is scheduled for spring of 2025, so stay tuned for updates.
Paper Airplane Mobile at Carrier Landing
Here’s a fun mobile we completed recently for Carrier Landing, a housing community for aviation students in Pensacola, Florida. The mobile hangs 6 feet wide by 8 feet tall in the entryway lobby, featuring “paper airplanes” made of powder-coated aluminum shapes.
Atrium Bird Mobile
We just got these images from a client! We created this hanging mobile for a newly completed annex at St. Michaels University School in Victoria, Canada. The mobile hangs 16 feet tall by 10 feet in diameter, and we love how it fits in the light, airy atrium!
Tchau Brazil Mobile!
Here’s the mobile we made for the private residence in Brazil, hanging in our shop. It’s all crated up and en route to Los Angeles, where it will then join the the owner’s other belongings for its journey to Brazil. It may be awhile before we see pictures of this hanging in its final home, but we sure can’t wait to see them!
Brazil Private Residence Mobile
Here’s a mobile we’re making for a private residence in Brazil. The client ordered a small custom mobile from us nearly 10 years ago, and wanted something special for the new home has family is building. The design is based on the mobile we made for the Ride Connection Mobile we made in 2014. Stay tuned for updates!
Prefab #1...With Koi Shapes!
Someday we’ll get a nice backdrop so we can take lovely pictures of things in our shop space. Meanwhile, here’s the best we can seem to do. This mobile is for a Phoenix area office building. The client requested a Prefab #1 mobile with koi shapes interspersed. Here’s the end result!
Hospital Connector Mobile Photos
It’s been a minute since we’ve mentioned the project we were working on for a healthcare campus in Wisconsin! We made a series of 71 Prefab #3 Mobiles to be interspersed along the ceiling of a new 650 connection corridor between two healthcare buildings.
The clients needed to install the mobile themselves, so we sent the mobiles, along with a detailed video and templates. They installed it this weekend, and it looks great! The client says they make the space look more “friendly and interesting.”