Happy New Year! We’re kicking off 2025 up to our eyeballs in hexagons as we prep for the Houston stairwell mobiles. Installation will be in February, which—yikes!—will be here before we know it. Ok, back to work!
Houston Stairwell Mobiles
Here’s a fun project that will consume the next couple of months: It’s a set of four 50-foot tall mobiles that will hang in four stairwells of a Houston office building. The piece will include acrylic hexagon shapes of varying width and length. Stay tuned for progress pictures!
Our contract prevents us from sharing too many details about this particular project, but let’s just say we’ll be up to our eyeballs in hexagons this winter. This project involves a handful of 50-foot-tall mobiles that will incorporate lots of hexagons. Check back for progress pics!