SMU Peruna Sculpture

We got this picture last month from our clients showing the SMU Peruna sculpture in the nearly completed space. Their very kind email said that during a hard-hat tour with key stake holders, the piece “got a lot of ‘wows’” and “lots of gasps” and that it was “definitely a show piece.” Aw shucks, we love that kind of feedback.

We’re hoping to catch a glimpse of the sculpture during this college football season!

SMU Peruna Ceiling Sculpture

Here’s a project we’re creating for Southern Methodist University’s athletics department. We’ll string together 2,106 small powder-coated SMU shetland pony mascot shapes to form one large Peruna, SMU’s official mascot. The entire Peruna will hang 14 feet wide by 7 feet tall. Matt and Ben will head to Dallas this summer to complete the installation. Stay tuned for updates!