Sand Springs High School

It's always a relief when we install and complete a project without a hitch. In this case, Matt and Ben just returned from lovely Sand Springs, Oklahoma, where they installed this mobile in the local high school's new fine arts facility. Here are photos of the installation process.


If Matt looks a little fatigued, just blame the 600-pound crate he and Ben just hefted (er...pushed/dragged/inched) across the shop. It'll be en route to Sand Springs, Oklahoma tomorrow!


Trial Run

We just completed a trial run of the pipe project for the Sand Springs, Oklahoma high school. We can't decided which it resembles more—wind chimes or a pipe organ.


Tight Quarters

The other day, we picked up materials for the Sand Springs, Oklahoma project.


And all that pipe now occupies a chunk of valuable real estate in our shop.


Totally Tubular

Next up in our queue: This project.

It will be a 25-foot-long by 4-foot-wide by 6-foot-tall ceiling sculpture for the fine-arts building of a high school in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. The piece will consist of 44 various-sized aluminum tubes. Our next step? Acquire said tubes. Stay tuned!