Check out this video showing our series of Prefab #3 mobiles in the Marshfield Clinic’s new connector corridor!
Hospital Connector Mobile Photos
It’s been a minute since we’ve mentioned the project we were working on for a healthcare campus in Wisconsin! We made a series of 71 Prefab #3 Mobiles to be interspersed along the ceiling of a new 650 connection corridor between two healthcare buildings.
The clients needed to install the mobile themselves, so we sent the mobiles, along with a detailed video and templates. They installed it this weekend, and it looks great! The client says they make the space look more “friendly and interesting.”
Hospital Connector Mobile
We’ve got such fun, interesting projects in our queue right now! These renderings are for a healthcare campus in Wisconsin. It will include 72 individual Pre-Fab #3 mobiles strung along the 650 foot connector between two healthcare buildings.
The goal is to provide soothing visual interest for patients traveling in beds or gurneys between surgery and recovery areas. The client has provided some pretty specific parameters to work around in the space, and we love parameters, so we’re excited to see this piece come together.