Hexagon Mobile Installation

Our Hexagon mobile is finished! Below are final photos of the piece. It hangs from the skylight of a two-story cutout in the headquarters of a San Diego-based pharmaceutical company. The mobile should be happy with all that San Diego sunshine overhead!

Be sure to check out the installation photos, too! The company hired local installers, and we sure enjoyed seeing photographs of someone else doing all that work. We especially liked seeing their attention to detail. (Moving blankets, plastic gloves...installers after our own hearts!)


Hexagon Mobile, Nearly Finished!

What you're looking at here is the almost-complete Hexagon mobile, hanging in our shop. Don't worry: the mobile won't actually be Drab Brown. All that brown is a protective coating that will be removed upon installation. The mobile will hang below a skylight, so we chose brightly covered acrylic shapes of varying translucency, which should create a colorful, chandelier-like effect.

The mobile hangs 20 feet tall—just right to test-hang from our 20 foot ladder!

Hexagon Mobile

Here's another project in our queue. This mobile will hang in the atrium of a San Diego office building, right below a skylight. The shapes will be traslucent three-dimensional hexagons. Alright, back to work!