Remember that orchard-inspired mobile we were creating for a local affordable housing development? It’s installed! Installing projects here in Portland is always a treat, and we’re happy to nstallation went seamlessly. Check out the final photos. (Be sure to note the cool leaf-shaped shadows cast on the ceiling!)
Orchard-Inspired Mobile Shapes
We’re in full-on fabrication mode for the orchard-inspired mobile we’re creating for a local affordable housing development. We just got back the laser-cut shapes, and next they’re headed to the powder coater to be painted various shades of green and brown. The bottom images shows the leaves’ dimension, to create a more dynamic feel to the piece. We’re thrilled to see everything coming together!
Orchard-Inspired Mobile
Here’s a mobile we’re creating for an affordable housing development right here in Portland. The location of the housing development has a rich history—it used to be orchard fields of apple trees, hazelnut trees, peach trees, and hops, so we incorporated those four different types of leaves into the design. The final piece will hang 10 feet tall by 8 feet in diameter, and the branches and leaves will be powder-coated aluminum. We’re eager to see it come together!